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City Life to Country Life

2017 03 13 19 22 24

Transitioning from city life to country life can be a big transition for anyone but that really depends on the person who is making the 2 photo

It is especially difficult when you are in a new relationship where you both have to figure out how to make it work when your backgrounds are so different.

One thing I did was take an online quiz to determine if I was country or city (stupid idea) because I am both, but keep in mind there are benefits of both; living in the country you can experience swinging on the front porch swing, listening to all the chickens, goats, cows, birds, and all that nature has to offer; Or city life you can experience shopping, street lights, cars engines, and tons of social interaction with people from all walks of life.

Now you might think that I am about to discuss the differences; but actually I am going to discuss what I had to do to better my relationship and through the learning process, I learned how to love his hobbies/dreams of living in the country.

I have dated my boyfriend for almost 5 years and I love him to pieces, but there was one thing that kept us apart (his dream/hobby) didn’t match up with my long term goal. Of course, I struggled with learning to garden and living in the country, but I loved this man to pieces and I had to find some kind of common ground. So an epiphany can over me one day “I don’t have to be make it my hobby but I can learn to participate”, well shocking news I started liking it.

Since discovering this, our relationship has improved dramatically and I have learned that if we can play together than we have a better chance of staying together; Now do not get me wrong, never forget about your own dreams, hobbies and things that make you happy.

This is a two way street, I am not saying that you have to focus on your partner and your partner doesn’t have to focus on you, I know I wouldn’t want my spouse/boyfriend to neglect my interests in life, but the rule is to find common ground that you both can be interested in together, some of them yours and some of them your partners.

Throughout these few months I have enjoyed watching him smile. Personally, I love building that friendship level with him. There’s nothing wrong with having likes or dislikes based on both of our personalities, but it is all about finding opportunities to connect with each other.

“Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” – C.S. LEWIS


This Article was originally written by Tana Mason and re-posted in memory of her. 


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